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Monday, August 5, 2013

iPhone Carrier Editor - No Jailbreak (iOS 6)

A common misunderstanding among iPhone owners is that Jailbreaking is required to achieve any type of customization. While this was mostly true in earlier versions of iOS, the 6th release (iOS 6) has a nice handful of tweaks. CarrierEditor is one of my favorites; it allows the ability to stop advertising for you carrier, and chose your own logo as a replacement. As you can see pictured below, my phone is on BatSignal.

There are a few software and hardware limitation to be able to produce this tweak. They include:

  • If you are running a Mac, you must be running OS X 10.7 or later
  • Wi-Fi only devices are not compatible (i.e. iPod Touch, Wi-Fi only iPad)
  • Not all carriers are supported (support list provided within the program)
Grab you iPhone, iPad, Mac, and charging cable and let's get started.

  1. Download the CarrierEditor .dmg and install on you Mac.

  2. Read the Disclaimers to understand any potential risk involved.

  3. After selecting the Let's Get Started button you will need to navigate on you device to Setting>General>About and scroll to "Carrier". Enter the carrier numbers into the text field to continue.
  4.  At this point you will discover if your carrier is supported for this tweak. It is quite likely as the list is quite exhaustive. Select your device and carrier from the drop down menus.
  5. Now it is time to chose your logo. Open the ZeppelinLogos file that came with the CarrierEditor .dmg. Inside you will find folders containing pairs of matching logos (one for the white status bar and the other for the dark bar). Open the folder that contains your desired logo and drag it over to the appropriate box.
  6. After your chosen logos are in place, click the Compile Carrier Update (.ipcc) button. This will generate 2 .ipcc files. The one with "original" or "restore" in the title is a back up of the original carrier logo setting; be sure to keep this file in a safe place for when you want to revert back.

  7. It is now time to put this on your device. Open iTunes and select your device. Hold the Option key and press the Restore button. Now select the file that was generated by CarrierEditor. And you're done. (Depending on your carrier a device reboot may be required.)
Here are a few examples of carrier symbols that are available:

On top of the preloaded images, you also have the ability to add your own custom logo. If you chose to go the custom route, post a comment with a link to your custom carrier logo.

If you like this iPhone tweak check out these others:



  1. This is awesome! If I had an iPhone, I'd totally give this a try! Thanks for sharing! Love your blog!

  2. I couldn't get it to work :(

    1. That's strange. What is you device/computer setup (os and model)?
